We can’t predict the future,
but we can eliminate the risk
Sometimes situations arise in which we may no longer have the ability to make certain decisions about our medical treatment or our property. If you are in a coma, in surgery due to a serious accident, or in urgent care due to COVID-19 and are unable to communicate, who makes decisions about your treatment? How are your regular bills, like your mortgage, insurance, or utilities, getting paid? In an emergency situation like this you need someone who understands your wishes and who has the authority to make decisions for you or to act on your behalf.
What Is a Power of Attorney?
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that lets you appoint one or more people to make specific types of decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to make those decisions. You control the terms of the Power of Attorney and define the specific events that would trigger authorization to act under the Power of Attorney. You also control the types of decisions that your appointed person (known as an attorney-in-fact or agent) can make.

Why Do You Need
a Power of Attorney?
Everyone needs a Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPA) and everyone who owns property and who has financial obligations needs a Financial Power of Attorney (FPA). For many people, it is important to control what happens to their body or their property, even if they can’t communicate their wishes at the time. A HCPA allows you to make your medical wishes known and maintain control over what happens to you. A FPA allows you to stay in good financial standing with your creditors and helps to protect your property by ensuring that someone will be able to use your accounts to continue paying your bills or make important financial decisions for you.
No estate plan is complete without both of these vital documents.
A Power of Attorney
Ability to Choose
The ability to designate someone to manage your healthcare or property if you become severely incapacitated. Individuals who become sick or diseased or who are otherwise unable to manage their own medical decisions or assets may have to have court intervention and a conservatorship or guardian appointed if they have not created a Powers of Attorney. But, having the proper Powers of Attorney can be a great tool to avoid this inconvenience.
Avoid Court
A Power of Attorney allows someone of your choice to make medical or financial decisions for you if you are incapacitated. Without these documents, no one will know what to do for you or have the authority to make decisions and the court will have to intervene and account a guardian or conservatorship. This can be costly and take time. Having Powers of Attorney in place will prevent these problems.
Reduce Delay
Having Powers of Attorney may reduce any potential delays in receiving medical treatment or taking financial actions to protect your property. Your chosen agent may act without court supervision but only within the limits imposed in your documents, avoiding costly delays that could result from the court process.
affordable Flat Rates
We believe estate planning should be affordable for every family, so we made it accessible and affordable for everyone.
Maintain Control
Through your Powers of Attorney, you will decide what decisions your Agent is allowed to make on your behalf and establish specific conditions that have to be met before they can act. You can even direct your agent to make specific types of decisions for you.
Easy Modification
Need to change your Powers of Attorney? Unfortunately, you can't simply cross out a name and write in another one. You have to create a whole new document. Fortunately, changing your documents is a fast and easy process with us. Simply contact us via phone or purchase a new Power of Attorney on our Estate Planning Purchase Page, fill out a short form and your new Power of Attorney will be emailed to you for signatures within 48 hours.
Private and Secure
Your Powers of Attorney are private documents and never need to be filed with a state agency. As a result, your personal information is kept private and confidential from the public.
Innovative Technology
We use the latest technology advancements, allowing us to keeps costs down and dedicated more time to what matters most, you.
Free Consultation
Schedule a free consultation with a licensed attorney and discover which plan is right for you!
The Supernus Financial Power of Attorney and Healthcare Power of Attorney are the best ways to avoid expensive and unnecessary court intervention, stay in control of your medical decisions and finances, and ensure your needs are met in the way you want, even if you are incapacitated and can’t communicate.
What People Are Saying

Frequently Asked
There are two types of Powers of Attorney: A Financial Power of Attorney (FPA), also referred as a Power of Attorney for Property, and a Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPA), also referred to as a Medical Power of Attorney.
The FPA authorizes your chosen agent to make certain financial decisions or take certain actions on your behalf. This may include making payments from your bank account to pay your bills, managing your investments, or selling your property. You control the level of authority your agent has over your property and you can put into place specific limitations that will prevent your agent from taking certain types of actions.
A HCPA authorizes your agent to make certain decisions regarding your health care and medical treatment. This may include the types of treatment you receive, where you live during treatment, or whether you should receive life sustaining treatment. Like the FPA, you can limit the authority of your agent and you can provide specific instructions for what to do in specific situations. For example, you can instruct your agent not to provide life sustaining treatment under certain circumstances, or that you do not want an organ transplant.
If you do not have a Power of Attorney, a costly and time-consuming court application may be needed to appoint someone to make decisions for you. In the meantime, your loved ones may be unable to make decisions about your medical and financial needs. They may not be able to access funds to pay for your care or maintain your home or other property.
Additionally, not having clear instructions about your medical care could result in family fighting or it could place the burden of making very difficult medical decisions on a family member causing unnecessary distress and guilt.
Having a Power of Attorney will significantly reduce the emotional toll on your loved ones and provide them with the ability to make important decisions on your behalf.
Your Agent is the person you authorize to make decisions for you. As a result, you should put serious thought into choosing your Agent. Here are a few guidelines you should consider when choosing your Agent.
- Your Agent needs to be someone who knows you well and who understands your wishes. In some instances, your Agent will be stepping into your shoes and making decisions for you as if they were you, so they need to understand what you would do in that situation. At other times, they will be following your instructions to ensure that your wishes are carried out.
- Your Agent MUST be someone you trust. This person will be handling your finances and property, or carrying out your medical wishes. You need to trust them not to abuse that authority or make decisions that benefit themselves over you.
- If you have complex retirement accounts, financial instruments, or business operations, your Agent needs to have an understanding of these systems as well as your goals and objectives.
- Your Agent needs to be someone you can count on to accept this important role when the time comes. An Agent takes on a serious responsibility and even if you appoint a person to be your Agent, they are not legally obligated to make decisions for you or handle your financial affairs. Make sure the person you choose is willing to take on this important responsibility when the time comes.
The cost to create a Power of Attorney will vary depending on whether you do it yourself or hire an estate lawyer. If you do it yourself you can pay as little as $50 per document for resource materials or online software. Hiring an estate attorney could cost anywhere from $75 to $450 per document depending on the complexity of your estate.
WARNING: Some states require a standardized form. Even if you are using a standardize form, it is important that you fully understand the ramifications of your decisions. Because there are very real life and death consequences to a Power of Attorney, you should have a licensed attorney explain your document to you so you fully understand the implications of your choices.
Supernus Law
Power of Attorney
Book a Free Consultation.
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⟐Email: Info@SupernusLaw.com
⟐Phone Number: 815-710-0200
The Supernus Business & Law Center will work directly with you and your family to insure that you will receive the best estate planning available. We know that every family needs proper estate planning, which is why Supernus offers affordable estate plans for every family situation and every price range. Supernus's mission is simple: to help every family have access to quality estate planning at a cost they can afford. We provide expert estate planning, Wills and Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Guardian Nominations, Buy-Sell Agreements, Asset Protection, and many other family planning services you may need.
You can trust the Supernus Business & Law Center to create a comprehensive plan for your estate that is uniquely tailored for your own specific situation that will enable you to leave behind more asset value and fewer complications for your loved ones.
If you are looking for an estate planning attorney, looking to make a Will or Living Trust, or need Asset Protection, Supernus is here to help. Simply fill out the form above and request a free consultation.